Hogwarts Realm
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Hello! We're back and more active!

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Hello! We're back and more active! Empty Hello! We're back and more active!

Post  Crystal Weasley Fri May 10, 2013 3:27 am

Well, you may have been thinking we have been very inactive, this is because I had a lot to sort out, as this was more of a project at first and I realised many people enjoy. I have been behind the scenes trying to make everything perfect, and we are now going to undergo a few changes. I will not close the website down as we have been closed for several months and I would love for all to experience the fun a bit more. I will be adding shops and hiring more professors and such. I am also looking for an active player who would be happy and suited as general admin with me. Just PM me if you would look forward to a new role while I sort out the applications page. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to PM me also. I look forward to role-playing with you guys!

Crystal Weasley
Hogwarts Realm
Head Admin

Crystal Weasley

Posts : 21
Join date : 2012-09-30


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