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Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013

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Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013  Empty Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013

Post  Crystal Weasley Fri May 10, 2013 3:19 am

This is the sorting hat, the place in which new students are sorted. You must fill in this form but DO NOT reply to this thread, make a new one containing your application

Sorting Hat Application

What’s your favorite magic Subject?:

Are you a half-blood, pure-blood or Muggle-born?

Which of these words suits your character's personality (ambition, self-sacrifice, hard-work, creativity, intelligence, power, loyalty, courage, cunning, wisdom, dedication, chivalry) (you can pick two or three traits):

How you see your life in the future?

What is the most important for you? (money, friendship, justice, being the best):

What’s your favorite magic item? (wand, invisibility cloak, potions, broomstick):

In what situation would you use an unforgivable curse?

What is your favorite spell?

What is your favorite color?

Which of the four houses is your favorite? (optional)

Use this to copy and paste:
What’s your favorite magic Subject?:

Are you a half-blood, pure-blood or Muggle-born?

Which of these words suits your character's personality (ambition, self-sacrifice, hard-work, creativity, intelligence, power, loyalty, courage, cunning, wisdom, dedication, chivalry) (you can pick two or three traits):

How you see your life in the future?

What is the most important for you? (money, friendship, justice, being the best):

What’s your favorite magic item? (wand, invisibility cloak, potions, broomstick):

In what situation would you use an unforgivable curse?

What is your favorite spell?

What is your favorite color?

Which of the four houses is your favorite? (optional)

Crystal Weasley

Posts : 21
Join date : 2012-09-30


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Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013  Empty Re: Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013

Post  LilyHernandez Fri May 17, 2013 12:32 pm

What’s your favorite magic Subject?: Charms
Are you a half-blood, pure-blood or Muggle-born? Muggle-born
Which of these words suits your character's personality (ambition, self-sacrifice, hard-work, creativity, intelligence, power, loyalty, courage, cunning, wisdom, dedication, chivalry) (you can pick two or three traits): creativity, intelligence, loyalty
How you see your life in the future? Successful
What is the most important for you? (money, friendship, justice, being the best): Friendship, Justice
What’s your favorite magic item? (wand, invisibility cloak, potions, broomstick): Broomstick
In what situation would you use an unforgivable curse? Being attacked by a dark wizard
What is your favorite spell? Wingardium leviosa
What is your favorite color? Gold
Which of the four houses is your favorite? Gryffindor


Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-05-17

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Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013  Empty Re: Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013

Post  RRlover Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:18 pm

What’s your favorite magic Subject?: Potions!!

Are you a half-blood, pure-blood or Muggle-born? pure-blood, but I don't care

Which of these words suits your character's personality (ambition, self-sacrifice, hard-work, creativity, intelligence, power, loyalty, courage, cunning, wisdom, dedication, chivalry) (you can pick two or three traits):

creativity and wisdom
How you see your life in the future?
Writing best-sellers  study 

What is the most important for you? (money, friendship, justice, being the best):
What’s your favorite magic item? (wand, invisibility cloak, potions, broomstick):
In what situation would you use an unforgivable curse?
no situation

What is your favorite spell?
I LOVE them all (except the unforgivable)

What is your favorite color?
irrelevant but blue

Which of the four houses is your favorite? (optional)


Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-01-06

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Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013  Empty Re: Sorting hat May 2013 - September 2013

Post  wizardwerlock Thu May 22, 2014 12:56 pm

What’s your favorite magic Subject?: Transfiguration
Are you a half-blood, pure-blood or Muggle-born? Muggle-born
Which of these words suits your character's personality: Wisdom, intelligence, and loyalty
How you see your life in the future? Smart and Succesfull
What is the most important for you? Friendship
What’s your favorite magic item? Wand
In what situation would you use an unforgivable curse? Never, how dare you even say that? I will, possibly use it, but only if the time is exceptionally exceptional. It is very unapproved which means I unapprove.
What is your favorite spell? Expecto Patronus, because a patronus tells a lot about a person
What is your favorite color? Blue
Which of the four houses is your favorite? Ravenclaw


Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-05-22

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